The last few years in the software engineering field have seen a paradigm shift from monolithic applications towards architectures in which the application is split in various smaller entities (i.e., microservices) fueled by the improved availability and ease of use of containers technologies… Read more
The rise of cryptocurrencies has created new avenues for criminal money exchanges. Among various techniques, Bitcoin address clustering plays a crucial role in detecting and grouping addresses owned by the same entity.
This fundamental step is essential for deanonymizing addresses and… Read more
Over the past two decades, network measurement infrastructures have witnessed significant development and widespread adoption. Internet measurement platforms have become common and have demonstrated their relevance in Internet understanding and security observation. However, despite their… Read more
Internet Service Providers use routers from multiple vendors that support standardized routing protocols. Network operators deploy new services by tuning these protocols. Unfortunately, while standardization is necessary for interoperability… Read more
Internet of Things devices can now be found everywhere, including in our households in the form of Smart Home networks. Despite their ubiquity, their security is unsatisfactory, as demonstrated by recent attacks. The IETF's MUD standard has as goal to simplify and automate the secure deployment… Read more
Integration of agile and user experience (UX) remains a challenge despite being a major research interest for both agile software development (ASD) and UX stakeholders. Typically, ASD stakeholders’ primary focus is delivering working software, whereas UX stakeholders focus on designing systems… Read more
Despite their increasing popularity, blockchains still suffer from severe scalability limitations. Recently, Ethereum proposed a novel approach to block validation based on Data Availability Sampling (DAS), that has the potential to improve its transaction per second rate by more… Read more
In-situ Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (IOAM) records operational and telemetry information in the packet while the packet traverses a path in the network. IETF protocols require features to ensure their security. This document describes the integrity protection of IOAM-Data-Fields… Read more
Some recent use cases have a need for carrying an identifier in IPv6 packets. While those drafts might perfectly make sense on their own, each document requires IANA to allocate a new code point for a new option, and so for very similar situations, which could quickly exhaust the allocation… Read more
Application Programming Interfaces, known as APIs, are increasingly popular in modern web applications. With APIs, users around the world are able to access a plethora of data contained in numerous server databases. To understand the workings of an API, a formal documentation is required. This… Read more
This thesis explores the idea of applying genetic improvement in the aim of injecting vulnerabilities into programs. Generating vulnerabilities automatically in this manner would allow creating datasets of vulnerable programs. This would, in turn, help training machine-learning models to detect… Read more
Les flaky tests sont des tests non déterministes, ils peuvent donner des résultats différents sans modification du code. Ce qui entraîne une perte de temps et de ressources.Une meilleure connaissance de ce domaine doit mener à une diminution de ces désagréments. Cependant, il y a peu de travaux… Read more
Multiple techniques exist to find vulnerabilities in code, such as static analysis and machine learning. Although machine learning techniques are promising, they need to learn from a large quantity of examples. Since there is not such large quantity of data for vulnerable code, vulnerability… Read more
Code Smells have been studied for more than 20 years now. They are used to describe a design flaw in a program intuitively. In this study, we wish to identify the impact of some of these Code Smells. And, more specifically, their potential impact on Testability. To do this, we will study the… Read more
The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is currently the largest decentralized storage solution in operation, with thousands of active participants and millions of daily content transfers. IPFS is used as remote data storage for numerous blockchain-based smart contracts, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT… Read more
While IPv6 was already standardized in the 90’s, only the last decade has seen a growth in its global adoption. In addition to dealing with IPv4 addresses exhaustion, IPv6 comes with a mechanism, called IPv6 Extension Header (IPv6 EH), allowing the protocol to be more flexible and extensible.… Read more
Future 6G network will push even further the convergence of different types of mobile networks, integrating space, aerial and terrestrial access. Mobility, remains one of the most difficult aspects to tackle in this context. One approach under consideration is the use of an overlay solution able… Read more
Network Function Virtualization (NFV) is a hot topic in computer networking and aims to replace proprietary, hardware-based networking services with virtualized, cloud-based network functions. However, the current implementation of NFV Management and Orchestration (MANO) often relies on either… Read more
The IoT technology allows many types of personal data to be measured by many kinds of devices and sensors, and to be sent over the Internet for various applications. However, this data transmission has to be secure and the privacy of the users should ideally be preserved. In this work, we… Read more
Internet of Things (IoT) devices increasingly contribute to critical infrastructures, necessitating robust security measures. LoRaWAN, a low-power IoT network, employs the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) with a 128-bit key for encryption and integrity, balancing efficiency and security. As… Read more
eBPF is a popular technology originating from the Linux kernel that enables safely running user-provided programs in a kernel-context. This technology opened the door for efficient programming in the operating system, especially in its network stack. However, its applicability is not limited to… Read more
The Internet adopts a layered architecture where IP addresses are used to identify endpoints and port numbers serves as application multiplexers over a single host. Nowadays, names are usually used to expose a service to public access. However, even with the current DNS architecture, nodes must… Read more
With a standardization process that attracted much interest, QUIC can been seen as the next general-purpose transport protocol. Still, it does not provide true multipath support yet, missing some use cases that Multipath TCP addresses. To fill that gap, the IETF recently adopted a Multipath… Read more
Concurrency theory has received considerable attention, but mostly in the scope of synchronous
process algebras such as CCS, CSP, and ACP. As another way of handling concurrency, data-based
coordination languages aim to provide a clear separation between interaction and computation by… Read more